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Mental Performance Education for Parents - Welcome to the MG1 Elite Academy.

I am so excited to finally share with you the new MG1 Elite Academy.


The academy has been in the works for around 6 months now, and Im now confident that this is exactly what we need to improve not only the mental performance skills of junior athletes, but also the mental health of children playing hockey in the UK today.


As a mental health first aider and mental performance coach, I work with pro athletes every day to help them develop coping mechanisms and processes to allow them to perform in spite of the issues that challenge them.  So many of these scenarios that I am, and have over the years, supported athletes with are the same - and so many of them come from the same kind of events, situations and challenges that occur in childhood and to an even greater extent, in junior sport.


Now we all know the saying that prevention is better than cure right? Well thats never been more prevalent than it is in mental performance.  Developing the skills needed BEFORE the situations arise is crucial, as its not making some of the well meaning mistakes that can actually drive behaviour, attitude and mindset AWAY from the optimum are of development and actually towards a space that encourages issues in later life.


So the new MG1 Elite Academy will be an education and support program for ALL Ice Hockey parents to be able to communicate, learn, develop, support and ultimately guide their children to develop the key mental performance skills PRIOR to reaching adulthood.


My aim is to give you the skills to help your children THRIVE, not just survive.  You’re going to be able to be your child’s very own Mental Performance Coach.


I want to reiterate that the MG1 Elite Academy is a forum for parents - not players.  I’ve got numerous coaching programs available where I work directly with players.  This one is about giving you as parents the tools to support your child to maximise their individual potential.


Albert Einstein said that a clever person solves a problem, a wise person avoids it.  My commitment to you is to give you the tools and knowledge to allow you to help your children thrive in hockey and life.


As a closed facebook group only available to academy members, you’re going to have access to exclusive content from me and some of the most knowledgeable mental performance experts on the planet.  You’re also going to be able to ask questions of me and your fellow parents to remove that feeling that you are navigating the crazy world of junior hockey on your own.


You’re going to have access to a weekly Q&A where you can ask any questions you need to about how to best support your children.  We’re going to have monthly lives with current professional players and coaches who are going to share their own experiences of mental performance - both at junior and senior level.


I said earlier that this is about education - So I’m going to run 12 training sessions over the course of the year - one each month, on specific areas of mental performance.  These sessions are aimed at you as parents to help you understand the challenges being faced by athletes, how these situations often occur and what you can do NOW to both support the current version of your child and help prepare them for what their future self will encounter should they reach the professional level.


You’re also going to get discounts on the new MG1 Coaching Workshops which start in December - full day programs for you and your children to develop Cognitive, Visual and Mental performance skills.


I am so excited by this new program - We’re going to create a community that is supported, educated and empowered to help their children thrive.


I also want to ensure that this incredible tool is available to everyone, so the academy costs just £15 per month to be a part of, but up until the 31st December I’m offering it at £60 for 6 months membership or £100 for a full year, so for the equivalent of as little as just £8 per month.  Each subscription is valid for up to 2 parents to join the Academy - so you’re paying per family, not per parent.


You can learn everything you need to support this incredibly important part of athletic development.  But this is about so much more than Hockey - This is about developing a mindset in young people that will help them thrive in life - not just Hockey.


To join the academy, just drop me a message via the website, on Facebook or Instagram and i’ll send you the joining instructions.


Look forward to seeing you there.  Colin